Impacting lives
According to Vanuatu National coconut strategy 20016 to 2025, the coconut sector is the second
largest contributor to foreign exchange, earnings and also contributes 45% of GDP. A total 120000
hectors of land plated full of coconut but unfortunately 58% of total plantation has been neglected
due to the low income.
Pacific Pride is the only company which have innovative value addition programmes introduced to
the local farmers. So far our premium copra project is successfully promoting among all islands of
Pacific Pride is committed to farmers with a view to:
- Adopt and learn new technologies
- Increase income by value added product
- Generate employment opportunities
- Betterment in productivity through efficient utilization of resources, reduction in crop losses and
ensuring that farmers receive fare prices for output - Improve quality of rural life
Our projects will guarantee a sustainable income to coconut farmers. By supporting local farmers,
we cannot only save money within the community but, it will also helps getting better quality
products for consumption, which currently is being imported.
Through technology, management technical know-how, process effectiveness and infrastructure in storage and transport, the company achieved all set targets and become a name to recon with not only in Vanuatu but in the neighboring regions.